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Chinese United Methodist Church San Francisco

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Weekly Announcements: June 3rd, 2018

  • Our Church will have the one week Vacation Bible School from August 6 to August 10, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Fee is $20.00 for each student. Please pray for the brothers and sister who are going to take care of the outreach.
  • The Methodist Fellowship Group is going to meet today at 2:00 to 3:30 pm at the Chapel. Members are welcome.
  • Our Chinese Church Retreat will be held from 6/7-10, from Thursday to Sunday. Pastor Kan will stay in the Retreat from 6/7-9. He will be back from the Retreat site on Saturday to take charge of the Sunday Service on 6/10. The English Sunday Service will be as usual while the Chinese will have the joint Service at 11:00 am. Please invite your friends and relative to come.
  • The CCU Basketball League will be started on 6/16. Please pray for the ministry.
  • The 2018 Cal-Nev Annual Conference of the UMC will be held from Wednesday, June 20 to 23rd at Double Tree Hotel at Modesto. We have Mr. Brendan Huang, Mr. Ken Yee and Rev Ernest Kan as one of the delegates. Please pray for them.
  • We will have the Chinese Joint Sunday Service on Father’s Day Sunday, 6/17, at 11:00 am. Mr. Stephen Lai will be the speaker sharing his testimony. Please invite your friends and relative to come.
  • The Chinese ministry will host an evangelistic meeting is going to have an Evangelistic Meeting at Dr. Daniel Wu’s house on July 14 in the afternoon. Simple dinner and car-pool will be provided. Please sign up with Mrs. Jennifer Lai or Mrs. Josephine Wong.
  • Please vote on 6/5/2018 to improve your community and the State of CA. No matter what political party you have registered, your voice will be heard only when you vote. The future of the Chinese American depends on your vote.
  • The Gum Moon Women Hostel will be having a fund raising Chinese opera show at the Yerba Buena Center on 7/15/2018. Those who are interested please contact Mrs. Adrienne Lieu.
  • Please be advised that the Gum Moon is having a Chinese Opera on July 15th and need rehearsal space for July 5th (Thursday), July 9th ( Monday ), July 10th (Tuesday), and July 12th (Thursday). There will be no music involved in the rehearsal. The time is about 10 am to 3 pm.

Weekly Announcements: May 20th, 2018

  • Today is the Bay to Breaker Marathon which affects our commute back to church. Some members who live in East Bay or South Bay apologize for not coming to church due to the terrible traffic situation. Therefore, our monthly Luncheon fellowship is canceled because it is very difficult for our Kitchen crew to estimate how many people can come to our Luncheon fellowship. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Our Church will have a one-week Vacation Bible School from August 6 to August 10, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Fee is $20.00 for each student. Please pray for the brothers and sister who are going to take care of the outreach.
  • We will have a memorial service for Mr. David Chan on Saturday, 5/26 at 11:00 am at CUMC. In lieu of flower, the family would like friends to donate money to CUMC in the name of “Mr. David Chan Memorial Fund” to support the Building Fund of the church. We would like to invite our members to form a choir to praise the Lord and to comfort the family. Please sign up with Mr. Joe Quon.
  • The 2018 Cal-Nev Annual Conference of the UMC will be held from Wednesday, June 20 to 23rd at DoubleTree Hotel at Modesto. We have Mr. Brendan Huang, Mr. Ken Yee, and Rev Ernest Kan as one of the delegates. Please pray for them.
  • The Adult Fellowship will have a fellowship luncheon meeting 5/27 in the Social Hall. Luncheon fee will be $5.00 each. We also will have a birthday party for those who were born in the second quarter of the year. Members please come.
  • The Chinese congregation will have the retreat from 6/7, Thursday to 6/10, Sunday at Redwood Glen (100 Wright Dr, Loma Mar CA 94021). Registration fee is $303. We also have a special discount for children and student. Please contact Mrs. Josephine Wong, Mrs. Monica Le or Mrs. Jennifer Lai for registration.
  • CUMC is marching into 150 anniversary in 2018. We have set up a group to lead us to celebrate this marvelous year. Members of this group are Mrs. Adrienne Lieu, Mrs. Miranda Wong, and Mrs. Christin Wong.
  • The Chinese Mission Committee is going to have an Evangelistic Meeting at Dr. Daniel Wu’s house on Saturday, July 14 in the afternoon. Simple dinner and car-pool will be provided. Please sign up with Mrs. Jennifer Lai or Mrs. Josephine Wong.

Weekly Announcements: May 13th, 2018

  • We are very joyful to have Mrs. Adrienne Lieu to do sharing and Miss Jossa to do the Mother’s Day piece at the 9:00 am English Service, and Mrs. Celia Kan to do the sharing at the 11:00 am Chinese Service. May the Lord reward them.
  • We would like to thank the Prince of Peace for donating a box of precious gift to our mothers who come to our church attending the Mother’s Day Service. May the Lord bless our mothers.
  • Many thanks to the brothers and sisters in helping out the Breakfast Fundraising today for the Retreat. May the Lord reward them.
  • The Chinese congregation will have the retreat from 6/7, Thursday to 6/10, Sunday at Redwood Glen (100 Wright Dr, Loma Mar CA 94021). We also have special discount for children and student.
  • The Chinese Ministry Committee will meet on Sunday, 5/20, at 2:00 pm in Chapel. All fellowship members are invited. Any one who would like to promote the Chinese language outreach programs and planning for pastoral care is welcome.
  • The Adult Fellowship will have a fellowship luncheon meeting 5/27 in the Social Hall. Luncheon fee will be $5.00 each. We also will have Birthday party for those who were born in the second quarter of the year. Members please come.
  • The Luncheon Fellowship will be on 5/20 at 12:45 pm. Please mark your calendar & plan  to stay for the fellowship with your church family.
  • We will have a memorial service for Mr. David Chan on 5/26 at 11:00 am at CUMC. In lieu of flower, the family would like friends to donate money to CUMC in the name of “Mr. David Chan Memorial Fund” to support the Building Fund of the church. We would like to invite our members to form a choir to praise the Lord and to comfort the family. Please sign up with Mr. Joe Quon.
  • Please be reminded that next Sunday is the Bay to Breaker. The event will start at 8:00 am at Main St & Howard St. Please allow more time for commuting to church.

Weekly Announcements: April 29th, 2018

  • Please be reminded that the Luncheon Fellowship is going to be held today, 4/29 at around 12:45 pm in the Social Hall.
  • Our English Congregation will have the monthly hangout night on Saturday, 5/5, from 5:30—9:00 pm in the Social Hall. All are welcome.
  • Thanks to the Board of Trustees, the church has set up a computer with printer system in the library for the brothers and sisters to use for the church.
  • The Board of Trustees is going to rekey the church office for security reason especially on Sunday when the brothers and sisters will use the office for counting the offering.
  • The 2018 Cal-Nev Annual Conference of the UMC will be held from Wednesday, June 20 to 23rd at Double Tree Hotel at Modesto. We have Mr. Brendan Huang, Mr. Ken Yee and Rev Ernest Kan as one of the delegates. Please pray for them.
  • The Chinese congregation is hosting the Breakfast Fundraising event on 5/13 from 9:15 am. Many thanks to the brothers and sisters who make it possible.
  • The Chinese congregation will have the retreat from 6/7, Thursday to 6/10, Sunday. Please pray for them.
  • We will have the Chinese Joint Sunday Service on Mother’s Day Sunday, 5/13, at 11:00 am. Mrs. Celia Kan will be the speaker sharing her witness. Please invite your friends and relative to come.
  • The Chinese Ministry Committee is going to have an Evangelistic Meeting at Dr. Daniel Wu’s house on July 15 in the afternoon. Dinner will be included. Please save the date.
  • The Women Association of the San Francisco Chinese Christian Union will host a retreat on Saturday, 5/19, from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm at the Chinatown Salvation Army Mrs. Suk Yee Kwan, the pastor wife of Rev. Franco Kwan of True Sunshine Anglican Church, is the key-note speaker. There will be luncheon and the ticket is $5.00 each. Please get the ticket from Mrs. Betty Chia. Please pray.
  • The Adult Fellowship will have a fellowship luncheon meeting 5/27 in the Social Hall. Luncheon fee will be $5.00 each. We also will have Birthday party for those who were born in the second quarter of the year. Members please come.

Weekly Announcements: April 22nd, 2018

  • Thanks to the Board of Trustees, the church has set up a computer with printer system in the library for the brothers and sisters to use for the church.
  • The Board of Trustees is going to rekey the church office for security reason especially on Sunday when the brothers and sisters will use the office for counting the offering.
  • Letter from the Public Work Department had been received about the situation of the decoration of the balcony on the outside wall that needed attention. Please pray for the brothers and sisters of the Board of Trustees so that God would provide them with wisdom and plan to fix it.
  • Please be reminded that the Luncheon Fellowship is moved to Sunday, 4/29, due to our main chef is taking leave to visit his home in mainland China.
  • The 2018 Cal-Nev Annual Conference of the UMC will be held from Wednesday, June 20 to 23rd at Double Tree Hotel at Modesto. We have Mr. Brendan Huang, Mr. Ken Yee and Rev Ernest Kan as one of the delegates. Please pray for them.
  • The Chinese congregation will have the retreat from 6/7, Thursday to 6/10, Sunday. Please pray for them.
  • We will have the Chinese Joint Sunday Service on Mother’s Day Sunday, 5/13, at 11:00 am. Mrs. Celia Kan will be the speaker sharing her witness. Please invite your friends and relative to come.
  • The Chinese Ministry Committee is going to have an Evangelistic Meeting at Dr. Daniel Wu’s house on July 15 in the afternoon. Dinner will be included. Please save the date.
  • The Adult Fellowship will have a fellowship luncheon meeting 5/27 in the Social Hall. Luncheon fee will be $5.00 each. We also will have Birthday party for those who were born in the second quarter of the year. Members please come.
  • The Women Association of the San Francisco Chinese Christian Union will host a retreat on Saturday, 5/19, from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm at the Chinatown Salvation Army Mrs. Suk Yee Kwan, the pastor wife of Rev. Franco Kwan of True Sunshine Anglican Church, is the key-note speaker. There will be luncheon and the ticket is $5.00 each. Please get the ticket from Mrs. Betty Chia. Please pray.
  • The Altar flower is a way to express that Jesus Christ is “the Life”. Flowers’ donation is a way of Thanksgiving to the Lord, or in memory of your beloved ones. Flower offering also used to cover the expenses in purchasing Baptism bibles, the Holy Communion bread/juice and accessories.
  • Donations are welcome and will be acknowledged on the specified day. Please put your flower offering into the pew envelopes with the specific dates or present it to Mr. and Mrs. Shek Yin Chiang for help.

Weekly Announcements: April 15, 2018

  • The English Mission Committee is going to meet today at 12:30 pm in 4/F.
  • The Board of Trustees had recently changed the lock of the garage gate. All fellowship group leaders would have the entry code for the gate. The church  will open the garage gate around 8:30 am and 3:00 pm on Sunday. For your information, all members of the Board of Trustees have access to the garage anytime. Please ask Joe or the Pastor for the access code if you are trustees and leaders of the fellowship groups.
  • Please be reminded that the Luncheon Fellowship is moved to Sunday, 4/29, due to our main chef is taking leave to visit his home in mainland China.

Weekly Announcements: April 1st, 2018

  • The Chinese Ministry Committee is going to meet today, 4/1, at 2:30 pm in Chapel. All fellowship members are invited. Anyone who would like to promote the Chinese language outreach programs and planning for pastoral care is welcome.
  • English Congregation will be hosting our April Monthly Hangout Night on Saturday, April 7th from 5:30pm-9:00pm. Please reserve the date. The more the merrier! Dinner will be provided.
  • The Chinese congregation will have the retreat from 6/7, Thursday to 6/10, Sunday at Redwood Glen (100 Wright Dr, Loma Mar CA 94021). Please register your name before 4/22 to receive a special discount price at $252.00 for an adult. After this date, the price will go back to the original price of $303. We have special discount for children and student. Please sign up with Mrs. Josephine Wong or Mrs. Jennifer Lai. Please pray for the planning committee.
  • The next home base Bible Class in East Bay will be on 4/7 at 10:30 am at M/M Eric Tran’s house. All are welcome. Please register with them and request for the address.
  • CUMC is marching into 150 anniversary in 2018. We have set up a group to lead us to celebrate this marvelous year. Members of this group are Mrs. Adrienne Lieu, Mrs. Miranda Wong and Mrs. Christin Wong.
  • The elevator maintenance company is fixing the elevator in our church. Parts have been ordered. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • The Board of Trustees is in the process of changing the garage key. Sorry for any inconvenience. Please be reminded that the church garage will be closed at 3:00 pm unless church meeting or fellowship groups are in process.

Weekly Announcements: March 4th, 2018

  • We welcome Mr. Alex Xiao to get the confirmation today at the English Congregation Service. Mr. Alex Xiao received the children baptism on Easter Sunday in 2008. We wish him the very best in stepping boldly forward in his spiritual journey.
  • We would like to thank Mr. Stan Fong for preaching today. May the Lord reward him.
  • Please join us for our English Congregation Church Retreat at Redwood Alliance from Friday March 23rd – Sunday March 25th. Pastor Tim Leung is the speaker. Please sign up with Gordon or Joshua.
  • To support the Cemetery Ministry of the Chinese Christian Union of San Francisco, from January to March, we would dedicate the Caring Fund that we are going to collect on the Holy Communion Sunday would be donated to them. Please support with prayer and donation.
  • The Chinese congregation will have the retreat from 6/7, Thursday to 6/10, Sunday. Please save the date and pray for the planning committee.
  • We will have the Joint Choir singing on Easter Sunday (4/1). The Joint Choir will be conducted by Mrs. Celia Kan. Please join the rehearsal every Sunday, from 12:45—1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
  • The Finance Committee is going to meet today, 3/4, at 2:00 pm in the Chapel. Members are Mr. Stephen Lai, Mr. Eugene Wong, Mr. Edward Wong, Mr. Brendan Huang, Mrs. Christin Wong, Mr. Joe Yee, Mrs. Junie P. Collins, and Mrs. Kathy Lau.
  • The Administrative Council will meet next Sunday, 3/11, at 2:00 pm in the Chapel.
  • The Board of Trustees is in the process of changing the garage key. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  • Our Parents Fellowship meeting is going to meet today from 11:30 to 12:30 in Social Hall.
  • The Methodist Fellowship will meet on 3/18 at 2:00 pm in the Chapel. Members please come.

Weekly Announcements: February 18th, 2018

  • We would like to thank you for supporting our outreaching program—New Year Festival which was held last Sunday. Thanks to our brothers and sisters for the planning of this great outreaching program. May the Lord reward you. We would like to thank the Prince of Peace Inc. for sponsoring the New Year gifts to people who come to our out-
    reaching program.
  • The 2018 BASS Church Workers Convention will be held in Castro Valley, CA. CUMC is registered for the convention for Friday, March 2nd and Saturday, March 3rd. The convention website is http://bassconvention.org and the church registration code is YPHFZ. Information on the speakers, exhibitors, and workshops can be found at the website. For additional information, contact Stan Fong.
  • Please join us for our English Congregation Church Retreat at Redwood Alliance from Friday March 23rd – Sunday March 25th. Please save the date and pray for the planning committee.
  • The Board of Trustees will meet on Saturday, 2/24 at 9:00 am in the Social Hall. Members of the Trustees are: Mr. Wai Kwong Chia, Mr. Ken Yee, Mr. Joe Yee, Mrs. Mimi Leung, Mr. Wai Mar, Mr. Vincent Lau, Mr. Johnny Lau, Mr. Raymond Law, and Mr. Bob Ye.
  • The Finance Committee will meet on Sunday, 3/4 at 2:00 pm in the Chapel. Members are Mr. Stephen Lai, Mr. Eugene Wong, Mr. Edward Wong, Mr. Brendan Huang, Mrs. Christin Wong, Mr. Joe Yee, Mrs. Junie P. Collins, and Mrs. Kathy Lau.
  • The Administrative Council will meet on Sunday, 3/11 at 2:00 pm in the Chapel. Members please come.
    We will have the Joint Choir singing on Easter Sunday (4/1). The Joint Choir will be conducted by Mrs. Celia Kan. Please join the rehearsal today from 12:30 —1:15 pm in the Sanctuary.
  • CUMC is marching into 150 anniversary in 2018. We have set up a group to lead us to celebrate this marvelous year. Members of this group are Mrs. Adrienne Lieu, Mrs. Miranda Wong and Mrs. Christin Wong.

CUMC English Retreat 2018

Join us for our English Congregation Church Retreat at Redwood Alliance from Friday, March 23rd – Sunday, March 25th. Please save the date! Our retreat speaker will be Tim Leung. You can turn in the form via email to chineseumc@sbcglobal.net or hand it into Joshua Wong or Gordon Lam.

CUMC English Church Retreat 2018 Form

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