Today is the Bay to Breaker Marathon which affects our commute back to church. Some members who live in East Bay or South Bay apologize for not coming to church due to the terrible traffic situation. Therefore, our monthly Luncheon fellowship is canceled because it is very difficult for our Kitchen crew to estimate how many people can come to our Luncheon fellowship. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Our Church will have a one-week Vacation Bible School from August 6 to August 10, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Fee is $20.00 for each student. Please pray for the brothers and sister who are going to take care of the outreach.
We will have a memorial service for Mr. David Chan on Saturday, 5/26 at 11:00 am at CUMC. In lieu of flower, the family would like friends to donate money to CUMC in the name of “Mr. David Chan Memorial Fund” to support the Building Fund of the church. We would like to invite our members to form a choir to praise the Lord and to comfort the family. Please sign up with Mr. Joe Quon.
The 2018 Cal-Nev Annual Conference of the UMC will be held from Wednesday, June 20 to 23rd at DoubleTree Hotel at Modesto. We have Mr. Brendan Huang, Mr. Ken Yee, and Rev Ernest Kan as one of the delegates. Please pray for them.
The Adult Fellowship will have a fellowship luncheon meeting 5/27 in the Social Hall. Luncheon fee will be $5.00 each. We also will have a birthday party for those who were born in the second quarter of the year. Members please come.
The Chinese congregation will have the retreat from 6/7, Thursday to 6/10, Sunday at Redwood Glen (100 Wright Dr, Loma Mar CA 94021). Registration fee is $303. We also have a special discount for children and student. Please contact Mrs. Josephine Wong, Mrs. Monica Le or Mrs. Jennifer Lai for registration.
CUMC is marching into 150 anniversary in 2018. We have set up a group to lead us to celebrate this marvelous year. Members of this group are Mrs. Adrienne Lieu, Mrs. Miranda Wong, and Mrs. Christin Wong.
The Chinese Mission Committee is going to have an Evangelistic Meeting at Dr. Daniel Wu’s house on Saturday, July 14 in the afternoon. Simple dinner and car-pool will be provided. Please sign up with Mrs. Jennifer Lai or Mrs. Josephine Wong.
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