Every stage in life requires a fellowship where we can gain support from our fellow brothers and sisters. At CUMC, we have a college fellowship and post-college fellowship. Each fellowship have their own respective meeting nights to fellowship and grow spiritually with one another.
We’re blessed to have so many young Christians on fire for God! Our college group, Lighthouse, consists of students attending different universities from up and down California. When they get a chance to meet up during their breaks, they hold fellowship events and meetings.
The college fellowship group who attend school in San Francisco integrate with the Post-College group during regular school season.
For more information about Lighthouse fellowship, please contact Warren.
Coram Deo (Latin for “in the presence of God”) is a post-college fellowship group for those who are in the early stages of adulthood. Whether they may be pursuing a Master’s degree, job searching, or already working, Coram Deo is a place for these individuals to come together and fellowship with one another.
Our post-college group meets every other Friday nights at 7:30 PM. Please contact Vinson for more information.