We are very joyful to have Mrs. Adrienne Lieu to do sharing and Miss Jossa to do the Mother’s Day piece at the 9:00 am English Service, and Mrs. Celia Kan to do the sharing at the 11:00 am Chinese Service. May the Lord reward them.
We would like to thank the Prince of Peace for donating a box of precious gift to our mothers who come to our church attending the Mother’s Day Service. May the Lord bless our mothers.
Many thanks to the brothers and sisters in helping out the Breakfast Fundraising today for the Retreat. May the Lord reward them.
The Chinese congregation will have the retreat from 6/7, Thursday to 6/10, Sunday at Redwood Glen (100 Wright Dr, Loma Mar CA 94021). We also have special discount for children and student.
The Chinese Ministry Committee will meet on Sunday, 5/20, at 2:00 pm in Chapel. All fellowship members are invited. Any one who would like to promote the Chinese language outreach programs and planning for pastoral care is welcome.
The Adult Fellowship will have a fellowship luncheon meeting 5/27 in the Social Hall. Luncheon fee will be $5.00 each. We also will have Birthday party for those who were born in the second quarter of the year. Members please come.
The Luncheon Fellowship will be on 5/20 at 12:45 pm. Please mark your calendar & plan to stay for the fellowship with your church family.
We will have a memorial service for Mr. David Chan on 5/26 at 11:00 am at CUMC. In lieu of flower, the family would like friends to donate money to CUMC in the name of “Mr. David Chan Memorial Fund” to support the Building Fund of the church. We would like to invite our members to form a choir to praise the Lord and to comfort the family. Please sign up with Mr. Joe Quon.
Please be reminded that next Sunday is the Bay to Breaker. The event will start at 8:00 am at Main St & Howard St. Please allow more time for commuting to church.
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