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Chinese United Methodist Church San Francisco

Posts By: cumcsf

Weekly Announcements: January 29th, 2017

  • There will be a Cantonese evangelistic meeting hosted by the Hong Kong Celebs at Sunset Baptist Church on 2/3 evening. You are encouraged to invite your Cantonese speaking parent to attend. Please see Mr. Edward Wong for the admission tickets.
  • We are part of the Bridges District of California-Nevada Annual Conference of the UMC. The Bridges District will hold a revival meeting onFeb.4th (Saturday) from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm at Fairfield Community UMC (1875 Fairfield Ave. Fairfield, CA). Come receive the Holy Spirit in time of worship, praise & prayer. See Pastor Kan for more info. To register, please follow the link to register: https://calnev-reg.brtapp.com/BDrevival2017
  • The Finance Committee will meet on Sunday, 2/12, at 12:45 am. in the chapel.
  • The Administrative Board will meet on Sunday, 2/19, at 12:45 pm. in the chapel.
  • We will have the Joint Choir singing on Easter Sunday. The Joint Choir will be conducted by Mrs. Celia Kan. Please join the rehearsal every Sunday, from 12:30—1:00 pm in the Sanctuary starting from February, 12th.
  • The San Francisco Chinese Christian Union (SFCCU) had voted Rev. Ernest Kan to be the vice-chairperson in 2017. Please pray for him and the CCUSF
  • You are welcome to check the activities and the pictures of our church on your Face Book. Just type ‘Chinese UMC, San Francisco’ in the friend search and you will see it.

Weekly Announcements: January 22nd, 2017

  • The English Mission Committee will be meeting on 1/22 at 2:00 pm in 4/F.
  • Wesley Parents Fellowship will meet today at 2:00 pm in the Social Hall.
  • We’ll have our All-Church Luncheon on Sunday, Jan. 22nd , shortly after the Chinese-Speaking Worship Service at approx 12:45 pm. Please mark your calendar & plan to stay for the simple lunch prepared for all and enjoy the fellowship with your church family.
  • The Methodist Fellowship Group will participate at the luncheon on 1/22 at the Social Hall at church. Following the joint luncheon , MFG will have their first 2017 meeting at the Chapel Conference room. Members please mark your calendar to participate.
  • There will be a Cantonese evangelistic meeting hosted by the Hong Kong Celebs at Sunset Baptist Church on 2/3 evening. You are encouraged to invite your Cantonese speaking parent to attend. Please see Mr. Edward Wong for the admission tickets.
  • We are part of the Bridges District of California-Nevada Annual Conference of the UMC. The Bridges District will hold a revival meeting on Feb.4th (Saturday) from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm at Fairfield Community UMC (1875 Fairfield Ave. Fairfield, CA). Come receive the Holy Spirit in time of worship, praise & prayer. See Pastor Kan for more info. To register, please follow the link to register: https://calnev-reg.brtapp.com/BDrevival2017
  • The San Francisco Chinese Christian Union (SFCCU) had voted Rev. Ernest Kan to be the vice-chairperson in 2017. Please pray for him and the CCUSF
  • You are welcome to check the activities and the pictures of our church on your Face Book. Just type ‘Chinese UMC, San Francisco’ in the friend search and you will see it.

Weekly Announcements: January 15th, 2017

  • We would like to thank Mr. Eugene Wong to preach today at the Eng-
    lish Service. May God reward him.
  • Pastor Kan is taking time off from Thursday, Jan 12th – 16th attending his niece’s wedding in Los Angeles, CA. Please pray
  • The English Mission Committee will be meeting on 1/22 at 2:00 pm in 4/F.
  • The Chinese Mission Committee will be meeting on 1/20 at 5:00 pm in the Chapel.
  • Wesley Parents Fellowship will meet today at 2:00 pm in the Social Hall.
  • We’ll have our All-Church Luncheon on Sunday, Jan. 22nd , shortly after the Chinese-Speaking Worship Service at approx 12:45 pm. Please mark your calendar & plan to stay for the simple lunch prepared for all and enjoy the fellowship with your church family.
  • The Methodist Fellowship Group will participate at the luncheon on 1/22 at the Social Hall at church. Following the joint luncheon , MFG will have their first 2017 meeting at the Chapel Conference room. Members please mark your calendar to participate.
  • We are part of the Bridges District of California-Nevada Annual Conference of the UMC. The Bridges District will hold a revival meeting on Feb.4th (Saturday) from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm at Fairfield Community UMC (1875 Fairfield Ave. Fairfield, CA). Come receive the Holy Spirit in time of worship, praise & prayer. See Pastor Kan for more info. To register, please follow the link to register: https://calnev-reg.brtapp.com/BDrevival2017
  • The San Francisco Chinese Christian Union (SFCCU) will host a fundraising banquet on Sunday, January 15, 2017 at Far East Café, 631 Grant St., in Chinatown. The dinner program will start at 5:30 pm. We already prepaid for 2 tables for twenty people. Please feel free to sign up with Mrs. Betty Chia or Mr. Thomas Xiao. You are also welcome to donate the dinner tickets to the churhc even if you cannot make it to the dinner. Please write the check payable to ‘CUMC’ and write Dinner donation on the envelope.
  • Flowers donation is a way of Thanksgiving to the Lord, or in memory of your loving family members. The January to June 2017 Flowers Fund Chart is posted in the hallway. Donations are welcome. Please put your flower offering into the pew envelopes with the specific dates or present it to Mr. and Mrs. Shek Yin Chiang for help.
  • You are welcome to check the activities and the pictures of our church on your Facebook. Just type ‘Chinese UMC, San Francisco’ in the friend search and you will see it.

Weekly Announcements: January 8th, 2017

  • Wesley Parents Fellowship will meet on 1/22 at 2:00 PM in the Social Hall.
  • We’ll have our All-Church Luncheon on Sunday, 1/22, shortly after the Chinese-Speaking Worship at approx 12:45 PM. Please mark your calendar and plan to stay for the simple lunch prepared for all and enjoy the fellowship with your church family.
  • The Methodist Fellowship Group will participate at the luncheon on 1/22 at the Social Hall at church. Following the joint luncheon, MFG will have their first 2017 meeting at the Chapel Conference room. Members please mark your calendar to participate.
  • Pastor Kan will attend the Conference Clergy Retreat at Mount Hermon in South Bay from 1/17-19.
  • Pastor Kan is taking time off from Thursday, Jan 12th – 16th attending his niece’s wedding in Los Angeles, CA. Please pray.

Weekly Announcements: January 1st, 2017

  • We have the Administrative Council/Board, committee members, Sunday School teachers and fellowship groups officers’ installation service today (1/1/2017). Please pray for them for their commitment and dedication to the Lord. May the Lord bless them with more strength and grace for the year to come.
  • Samuel Fellowship will meet in members’ house in 2017. The first meeting in 2017 will be at Christie and Raymond’s house on 1/7 from 2 PM – 8 PM. Please RSVP with them for the simple dinner.
  • We’ll have our All-Church Luncheon on Sunday, 1/22, shortly after the Chinese-Speaking Worship at approx 12:45 PM. Please mark your calendar and plan to stay for the simple lunch prepared for all and enjoy the fellowship with your church family.
  • The San Francisco Chinese Christian Union (SFCCU) will host a fundraising banquet on Sunday, 1/15, at Far East Cafe, 631 Grant St., in Chinatown. The dinner program will start at 5:30 PM. From the very beginning, Chinese UMC is a strong supporter of SFCCU all these years. We always want to show our Unity Spirit of the Lord Jesus. We already prepaid for two tables for 20 people. Please feel free to sign up with Mrs. Betty Chia or Mr. Thomas Xiao. You are also welcome to donate the dinner tickets to the church even if you cannot make it to dinner. Please write check payable to ‘CUMC’ and write Dinner donation on the envelope.
  • Pastor Kan will attend the California-Nevada Annual Conference Clergy Retreat at Mount Hermon in Santa Cruz from 1/17 – 1/19.
  • We are part of the Bridges District of California-Nevada Annual Conference of the UMC. The Bridges District will hold a revival meeting on 2/4 (Saturday) from 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM at Fairfield Community UMC (1875 Fairfield Ave. Fairfield, CA). Come receive the Holy Spirit in time of worship, praise and prayer. See Pastor Kan for more info. To register, please follow the link to register: http://calnev-reg.brtapp.com/BDrevival2017
  • The Method Fellowship Group will participate at the luncheon on 1/22 at the Social Hall at church. Follow the joint luncheon, MFG will have their first 2017 meeting at the Chapel Conference room. Members please mark your calendar to participate.

Weekly Announcements: December 18th, 2016

  • Christmas Schedule:
    • December 24th @ 4:30 PM – Gathering at church, then Christmas Eve Caroling
    • December 24th @ 7:00 PM – Dinner for people who are Caroling and those who will be helping out for Candlelight Service
    • December 24th @ 8:00 PM – Christmas Candlelight Music Service @ Social Hall
    • December 25th @ 10:30 AM – Joint (9 am, 11 am, and Children Worship) Christmas Sunday Service with Baptism, Confirmation and Receiving Member
  • Anyone wants to get baptized, confirmed or transfer your membership to CUMC on Christmas Sunday, 12/25, please contact Rev. Ernest Kan.
  •  The San Francisco Chinese Christian Union (SFCCU) will host a fund raising banquet on Sunday, January 15, 2017 at Far East Café, 631 Grant St., in Chinatown. The dinner program will start at 5:30 pm.
    From the very beginning, Chinese UMC is a strong supporter of SFCCU all these years. We always want to show our Unity Spirit of the Lord Jesus. We already prepaid for 2 tables for twenty people. Please feel free to sign up with Mrs. Betty Chia or Mr. Thomas Xiao. You are also welcome to donate the dinner tickets to the church even if you cannot make it to the dinner. Please write check payable to ‘CUMC’ and write Dinner donation on the envelope.
  • Flowers’ donation is a way of Thanksgiving to the Lord, or in memory of your loving family members. The Jan. – June, 2017 Flowers Fund Chart is posted in the hallway. Donations are welcome. Each entry for the flowers’ donation is preferably $10.00. You can put your offering into the pew envelopes with the specific dates or present it to Mr. and Mrs. Shek Yin Chiang for help.

Weekly Announcements: December 11th, 2016

  • Mission Committee is sponsoring a CUMC Family Dinner on Saturday,12/17, to acknowledge this year’s outreach ministries. Not only is the church family, but we will invite those who participated in those events too.
  • Anyone wants to get baptized, confirmed or transfer your member-ship to CUMC on Christmas Sunday, 12/25, please contact Rev. Ernest Kan.
  • We will have the Joint Choir singing on Christmas Sunday. The Joint Choir will be conducted by Mr. Sidney Wong. Please join the rehearsal every Sunday, from 12:30—1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
  • Our 2016 Annual Church Conference will be held today at 2:00 p.m. in the Chapel. It will be presided by Rev. Sadie Stone, pastor of Bethany UMC. Please reserve the date & plan on attending.
  • Mrs. Lily Long was admitted to ICU in the CUSF Hospital for stroke treatment. Her right side has no feeling. Please support her and her family with your prayer.
  • Flowers’ donation is a way of Thanksgiving to the Lord, or in memory of your loving family members. The Jan. – June, 2017 Flowers Fund Chart is posted in the hallway. Donations are welcome. Each entry for the flowers’ donation is preferably $10.00. You can put your offering into the pew envelopes with the specific dates or present it to Mr.and Mrs. Shek Yin Chiang for help.

Weekly Announcements: December 4th, 2016

  • Anyone wants to get baptized, confirmed or transfer your membership to CUMC on Christmas Sunday, 12/25, please contact Rev. Ernest Kan.
  • Samuel Fellowship will meet today at 2:00pm in the Social Hall.
  • Parent Fellowship Christmas Potluck Party will be held today 2:00 p.m. in the Chapel. It will be presided by Rev. Sadie Stone, pastor of Bethany UMC. Please reserve the date & plan on attending.
  • We will have the Joint Choir singing on Christmas Sunday. The Joint Choir will be conducted by Mr. Sidney Wong. Please join the rehearsal every Sunday, from 12:30—1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
  • Our 2016 Annual Church Conference will be held today at 2:00 p.m. in the Chapel. It will be presided by Rev. Sadie Stone, pastor of Bethany UMC. Please reserve the date & plan on attending.
  • The San Francisco Chinese Christian Union (SFCCU) will host a fundraising banquet on Sunday, January 15, 2017 at Far East Café, 631 Grant St., in Chinatown. The dinner program will start at 5:30 pm. From the very beginning, Chinese UMC is a strong supporter of SFCCU all these years. We always want to show our Unity Spirit of the Lord Jesus. We already prepaid for 2 tables for twenty people. Please feel free to sign up with Mrs. Betty Chia or Mr. Thomas Xiao. You are also welcome to donate the dinner tickets to the church even if you cannot make it to the dinner. Please write check payable to ‘CUMC’ and write Dinner donation on the envelope.

Weekly Announcements: November 27th, 2016

  • Anyone wants to get baptized, confirmed or transfer your membership to CUMC on Christmas Sunday, 12/25, please contact Rev. Ernest Kan.
  • The Mission Committee is going to meet today, November 27th, at 2:00 pm. in 4/F.
  • Samuel Fellowship will meet next Sunday (12/4) at 2:00pm in the Social Hall.
  • We will have the Joint Choir singing on Christmas Sunday. The Joint Choir will be conducted by Mr. Sidney Wong. Please join the rehearsal every Sunday, from 12:30—1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
  • Our 2016 Annual Church Conference will be held on December 4th (Sunday) at 2:00 p.m. in the Chapel. It will be presided by Rev. Sadie Stone, pastor of Bethany UMC. Please reserve the date & plan on attending.
  • The San Francisco Chinese Christian Union (SFCCU) will host a fundraising banquet on Sunday, January 15, 2017 at Far East Café, 631 Grant St., in Chinatown. The dinner program will start at 5:30 pm.
  • From the very beginning, Chinese UMC is a strong supporter of SFCCU all these years. We always want to show our Unity Spirit of the Lord Jesus. We already prepaid for 2 tables for twenty people. Please feel free to sign up with Mrs. Betty Chia or Mr. Thomas Xiao. You are also welcome to donate the dinner tickets to the church even if you cannot make it to the dinner. Please write check payable to ‘CUMC’ and write Dinner donation on the envelope.
  • Pastor Ernest is having vacation in Hong Kong from Nov 23 –29th. Celia & Ernest will attend the wedding of Celia’s niece on Saturday, Nov 26 in Hong Kong.

Weekly Announcements: November 20th, 2016

  • Anyone wants to get baptized, confirmed or transfer your membership to CUMC on Christmas Sunday, 12/25, please contact Rev. Ernest Kan.
  • We will have the Joint Choir singing on Christmas Sunday. The Joint Choir will be conducted by Mr. Sidney Wong. Please join the rehearsal every Sunday, from 12:30—1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
  • The Thanksgiving Luncheon is going to take place today, 11/20/2016 at 12:30 PM. The church family will be celebrating together. Those who plan to come to the lunch please proceed to the Social Hall. We still have some tickets left. Those who would like to join us for the Thanksgiving Luncheon but not yet bought your tickets please get tickets from Ms. Monica Le or Mr. Thomas Xiao. Adult: $5.00, Children aged 6-12: $2.50 and Children under 6 are free.
  • Our 2016 Annual Church Conference will be held on December 4th (Sunday) at 2:00 p.m. in the Chapel. It will be presided by Rev. Sadie Stone, pastor of Bethany UMC. Please reserve the date & plan on attending.
  • The San Francisco Chinese Christian Union will host a fund raising banquet on Sunday, January 15, 2017 at Far East Café, 631 Grant St., in Chinatown. Please save the date.
  • You are welcome to check the activities and the pictures of our church on our Facebook page.

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