The post-college group, Corem Deo, has been hosting monthly events for church members to get together and enjoy each others’ company. For the month of July, they organized a July 4th BBQ that included a bunch of food and fun activities. Led by Joshua and Stephanie, they cooked a bunch of hotdogs, burgers, and chili for everyone to enjoy. There was also an intense game of kickball involved!
If you missed this event, you can check out some of the pictures below taken by Stephen.
Summer is almost here so that means retreat is right around the corner. Our retreat location this year will be held at Redwood Christian Park. It will be from August 6th – 9th (Sunday – Wednesday) so please mark your calendars down!
To save your spot, please complete the form and turn it in (along with payment) to Josephine Wong or Jennifer Lai.
There will be a prayer meeting after the Chinese worship service every Sunday. If you would like to participate, please gather in the chancel area of the sanctuary. There are yellow prayer request cards at the back of the pew. Please write your prayer requests and place it in the offering plate or give it to an usher for the Prayer Team and Pastor.
Last Sunday, the Administrative Council approved Ms. Monica Le to be the Vice-President of the Council, Mr. Brendan Huang and Mr. Ken Yee to be our delegates to the 2017 Cal-Nev Annual Conference of the CUMC which will be held from Wednesday, June 21 to 24 at Hyatt Regency of Burlingame.
CLAM (Conference Lay Minister) is a ministry to support the local church ministries. Faithful and committed members of the church are encouraged to be trained as Lay Ministers to help their local churches, or other local churches in the Annual Conference to do the ministry. The Cantonese CLAM program will be taken care by Rev. Ernest Kan. The Cantonese training program will be held on every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at 10-12pm.
The San Francisco Chinese Christian Union (SFCCU) will have monthly meeting on 5/16 from 2:00-4:00pm in Cumberland Chinese Presbyterian Church in Chinatown. Mrs. Betty Chia, Mr. Thomas Xiao, and Rev. Ernest Kan are our delegates.
The Women Association of the San Francisco Chinese Christian Union will host a retreat on Saturday, 5/27, from 10:30am to 2:00pm at the First Chinese Baptist Church at 1 Waverly Place, Chinatown. Rev. Ernest Kan is the key-note speaker. The theme is “The Place of a Woman in the Bible.” There will be luncheon and the ticket is $3 each. Please get the ticket from Mrs. Betty Chia. Please pray.
The Luncheon Fellowship will be on 5/28 after the 11:30am Chinese-Speaking Worship Service. Please mark your calendar and plan to stay for the fellowship with your church family.
Summer Church Retreat will be held from August 6 to 9 at Redwood Christian Park. Ms. Katrina Sun is the Chairperson of the Retreat. Please pray for the committee.
Spring is finally here! We will be celebrating the season by having our annual Spring Festival! There is no entry fee and all the activities are FREE! This event is perfect for kids of all ages, so come join us for an afternoon of arts & crafts, food, and fun.
Location: Chinese United Methodist Church (1009 Stockton St., San Francisco)
Date: Saturday, March 25, 2017
Time: 1pm – 3pm