We would like to extend our warmest welcome to you who are attending our Worship Service today, particularly to those who are joining our fellowship for the first time. Newcomers are cordially requested to fill out a registration card located in the slots behind the pews.
We would like to thank Rev. Elain Teo to share the message of God this Sunday Service. May the Lord bless her and her ministry.
Rev. Elain Teo will share the gospel message this afternoon from 3:00 to 5:00 pm at our church. Please invite your friends and relatives to come.
The August simple lunch will be held today after 11:00 am worship.
The 9th Comprehensive Art Class session began on Aug 27, 2016. Class Hours are every Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, total of 8 weeks. Please contact Esther Huang for more info. Pastor Kan will lead a parent evangelistic class at the same time with the parent. Anyone who is interested to work with the pastor is welcome to talk with the pastor.
There will be a prayer meeting after the Chinese worship service every Sunday. If you would like to participate, please gather in the chancel area of the sanctuary. There are yellow prayer request cards at the back of the pew. Please write your prayer request and place it in the offering plate or give it to an usher for the Prayer Team and Pastor.
Last Friday, Aug 19, a Chinese mother of two daughters was hit by a fallen tree limb in the Washington Square, San Francisco. Her heard and her spine cord are seriously wounded. Her husband is now staying home to take care of the children. The family is in deep water. San Francisco Channel 26 is calling for donation to support the family. We would like to show our Christian love toward the family by setting up a Charity Fund. The Charity Fund will start collecting a special donation on every Holy Communion Sunday. In the mean time, the church will donate $1,000.00 to the family through KTSF Channel 26. Please let us show our care towards the family.
Co-sponsored by Walgreen & Chinese U.M.C will hold the Flu Shot Clinic on Sept. 11th and Oct. 9 between 1:00-4:00 p.m. in the Social Hall. Please bring your picture ID. If you have any questions, you may ask the pharmacist on duty.
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