The Mission Committee invites you to support the Operation Christmas Child to pack Christmas presents for the third-world children who needs your help. If you have shoeboxes with lids, please give them to Eugene. Each box requires a 47 shipping charge. If you want to donate the gifts to fill the box(es), please give your generous donation to Eugene.
The Nominating Committee is now inviting candidates to take up the nominated position in the committee to serve the Lord. Please kindly accept the invitation if you are being called.
The Mission Committee will host the Harvest Festival on Sunday, 10/30, from 2:00-4:00 PM in the Social Hall. Please invite your friends and relatives to join us.
Board of Trustees will meet on Sunday, 10/16 at 12:45 PM in the Chapel.
Board of Directors of the Chinese Christian Union will meet at the Golden Gate Reformed Church on October 18 at 2:00 PM. Mr. Thomas Xiao and Rev. Ernest Kan are our delegates.
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) will meet next Sunday, 10/23, at 12:45 PM in the Chapel.
Our next All-Church Luncheon will be held next Sunday, October 23rd after Chinese Worship Service. Please mark your calendar.
We will have the Joint Choir singing on Christmas Sunday. The Joint Choir will be conducted by Mr. Sidney Wong. Please speak with Mrs. Donna Yee if you would like to join the Joint Choir. Practice will be every Sunday, starting from 10/16, from 12:30-12:30 PM in the Sanctuary.
Please stick a label on your personal and fellowship items that are at church before the end of October. The Board of Trustees will have the annual clean-up and throw away everything that does not belong to anybody or fellowship groups.
All committees are reminded to submit a 2017 budget request to the Finance Committee before 11/5/2016 for approval.
The Finance Committee will meet on Saturday, 11/12, at 10:30 AM in the chapel.
The Administrative Board will meet on Sunday, 11/13, at 12:45 PM in the chapel.
You are welcome to check the activities and the pictures of our church on our Facebook page.
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