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Chinese United Methodist Church San Francisco

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Announcement Regarding Reopening

In regards to the church reopening on August 8th, please see the attached announcement:

Church Reopening & COVID-19 Protocols

Attached is important information on the church reopening and the COVID-19 protocols we are following:

Letter to Congregation 2021

Dear brothers & sisters,

Happy Independent Day. Happy July 4th.

As for me, I would say that the month of July is the most important season in this country because
Independent Day falls into this month. Thanksgiving Day starts the beginning of the story of the
European immigrant in this continent. However, the celebration is tainted with the beginning of the
shopping frenzy with the ‘Black Friday’. This made Thanksgiving Day celebration becomes more and
more secular and commercialized.

This year July 4th was special because on June 15, California retired the Blueprint for a Safer Economy
and our economy is now fully open. Finally, we are “free” from the ‘Shelter-at-home’ after 15 months.
However, let us not forget to say thanks to the medical staffs who had been working up front serving the
Covid-19 patients. Let’s not forget to continue to pray for the family who had lost their loved ones during
the pandemic. May the Lord bless and keep all them with double blessings.

In responding to the reopening of California, our Administrative Board decided to reopen our in-person
Sunday Service starting on August 8th , 2021. We shall have 9:00 am English Sunday Service and 11:00 am
Cantonese Sunday Service. For the peace of mind, we have contracted with a professional janitorial
company to have a thorough cleaning before our reopening. We have facemasks and hand sanitizing
solution for all who attend our Sunday Service. Please keep the first two front rows unseated in the
sanctuary to maintain the social distance between the audience and the speaker. Others fellowship
groups will be resumed activity when the leaders feel the time is right. Church reopening will not be
happened overnight. It takes time and effort. Please join us to upgrade our building and ministries if you
are invited. Please keep on praying for the church reopening process so that God’s name be glorified.

During the pandemic, it is a good time for us to have personal reflection upon what we had gone
through in the past 15 months. For the post-demic time, it is also a time for us to have reflection how far
the pandemic has impacted our society, our country and the world. I would like to invite every one of
you to have spiritual reflection through the Sunday sermon preaching on the Book of Jeremiah in August.
The theme of the series in August will be ‘Jeremiah – the Prophet among the Wolves’.

Please be informed that live streaming of the Sunday Service will be still going on through the internet.
Please join us at the YouTube Channel at Agape Marantha for the English Sunday Service at 9:00 am and
Chinese Service at 11:00 am if you are not available at that time.

In Christ,

Pastor Ernest Kan

親 愛 的 弟 兄 姊 妹 :

七 月 可 算 是 美 國 最 重 要 的 月 份 。 我 們 常 說 感 恩 節 在 美 國 是 非 常 重 要 的 節 日 , 但 可 惜
的 是 感 恩 節 與 美 國 的 消 費 經 濟 理 念 實 在 有 太 大 的 關 聯 , 叫 人 將 感 恩 節 翌 日 稱 之 為
「 黑 色 星 期 五 」 ! 七 月 的 美 國 獨 立 日 , 在 美 國 如 此 重 視 假 日 消 費 的 社 會 中 , 真 是 難
得 是 比 較 重 視 自 由 價 值 多 於 經 濟 價 值 的 節 日 。

今 年 的 七 月 , 也 是 美 國 經 濟 因 疫 情 原 故 停 擺 後 的 第 一 個 有 重 要 節 日 的 月 份 。 對 無 論
是商家 , 大 眾 和 政 府 界 而 言 , 都 是 以 興 奮 心 情 來 迎 接 的 日 子 。 在 生 活 了 足 足 十 五 個
月 的 「 居 家 抗 疫 」 後 , 因 著 疫 苗 的 出 現 , 我 們 可 以 擺 脫 疫 情 的 轄 制 , 得 著 「 自 由 」
了 。 當 然 , 我 們 在 享 受 歡 樂 的 時 光 時 , 不 要 忘 記 多 謝 那 些 前 線 醫 護 人 員 不 眠 不 休 地
照 顧 各 種 患 病 的 人 , 更 要 為 那 些 因 著 這 個 疫 情 而 患 病 離 世 的 人 和 他們的 家 人 祈 求 神
安 慰 和 加 力 給 他 們 。

在 這 兒 , 教 會 要 向 大 家 宣 佈 一 個 重 大 的 消 息 , 教 會 也 因 著 加 州 政 府 解 除 疫 情 令 而 將
於 八 月 八 日 重 開 實 體 崇 拜 。 我 們 會 繼 續 於 主 日 上 午 九 時 有 英 語 崇 拜 , 十 一 時 有 粵 語
崇 拜 。 為 了 大 家 能 安 心 重 回 教 會 聚 會 , 教 會 於 開 放 前 由 專 業 清 潔 公 司 作 全 教 會 大 掃
除 , 仔 細 清 潔 所 有 地 方 ; 我 們 會 預 備 口 罩 給 出 席 者 在 崇 拜 時 配 戴 ; 由 於 有 敬 拜 小 組
領 詩 和 牧 師 講 道 , 禮 堂 前 兩 行 座 位 會 保 持 空 置 ; 其 餘 各 小 組 活 動 則 按 實 際 需 要 而 按
步 就 班 地 推 行 。 除 此 之 外 , 就 是 請 各 位 同 心 禱 告 , 祈 求 神 帶 領 教 會 重 開 的 每 一 項 細
節 。

無 論 是 福 是 禍 , 我 們 相 信 凡 事 都 有 神 的 帶 領 。 這 一 場 瘟 疫 , 除 了 給 我 們 個 人 在 生 命
上 的 反 省 之 外 , 對 我 們 社 會 、 國 家 和 世 界 帶 來 怎 樣 的 挑 戰 呢 ? 在 八 月 份 五 個 主 日 的
講 道 中 , 我 會 與 大 家 一 同 以 耶 利 米 書 作 我 們 在 信 仰 上 反 省 。 八 月 講 道 的 系 列 稱 為
「耶利米 –群 狼 中 的 先 知 」。 希 望 大 家 在 八 月 份 個 人 靈 修 中 , 除 了 研 讀 自 己 個 人 靈
修 的 經 文 外 , 也 可 以 在 家 中 , 研 讀 耶 利 米 書 , 一 同 在 神 的 話 語 中 學 習 , 在 團 契 間 互
相 分 享 心 得 , 彼 此 鼓 勵 靈 命 成 長 。

我 們 主 日 崇 拜 在 教 會 重 開 後 繼 續 在 網 上 Youtube 頻道 Agape Marantha 即時轉 播。英 文 堂
為 主 日 上 午 九 時 , 中 文 堂 為 主 日 上 午 十 一 時 。 若 教 友 不 便 回 教 會 崇 拜 時 , 可 以 在 家
中 收 看 即 時 轉 播 , 或 於 稍 後 時 間 觀 看 。

祝 主 恩 滿 溢 ! 平 安 蒙 福 !

主 僕 簡 祺 輝 牧 師 二 0 二 一 年 七 月

Letter to the Congregations (March 2020)

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

May the Peace and Joy brought by the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

This year, Easter Sunday falls on Sunday, 4/12. The purpose of celebrating Easter every year is to help us to remember that Jesus Christ died for our sins on the cross, was buried, and He was raised from the dead on the third day. His resurrection proves that He is God.

This year in this Lent season, we are having a new experience. The world is infected with COVID-19. The side effect is unbelievable. People are rushing to the store and market to buy toilet papers and rice! This frenzy hunting is another kind of ‘suffering’. The melting down of the stock market is really some kind of ‘crucifixion’ to the American. People everywhere are praying for the quick recovery from the COVID-19, so that all kind of business may joyfully celebrate Easter.

Starting from 3/17, 9 counties in the Bay Area are implementing the ‘Shelter in Place’ policy. The church is no exemption from this. Chinatown and the financial area in San Francisco are very quiet. People from all kinds of businesses are crying out, ‘When will the business come back?’

Dear brothers and sisters, we had been very lucky for a long time since WWII. We have been relaxing even when people on the other side of the world are crying, mourning, and suffering. We take it for granted that this kind of lifestyle would last forever. So, have we been awakened by COVID-19? Life is always full of surprises. Let us keep watch and be vigilant. Get prepared!

In what way should we Christian stand in this hour? First, do we really believe that God is in control? Did you notice that the White House always hold prayer meetings in times of national emergency? Let’s keep praying at home for others. Let us hold each other close with prayer. Second, to whom we look up to for our help? The Dow Jones Industrial Index or the Resurrected Lord Jesus?

Our building will be closed by the order of the ‘Shelter in Place’ but the Church is still alive! Please join our Sunday Service when links are posted on our Facebook group.

I hope that we can have Easter Service on 4/12 at church, but please pay attention to the ‘Shelter in Place’ notice.

In Christ,

Pastor Ernest Kan

The English and Chinese translation of this letter can be downloaded here.

2019 Daycamp VBS Sign-Up Form Available!

CUMC’s 2019 Summer Daycamp VBS sign-up form is available now! The one-week program is from July 29th – August 2nd.

If you’re interested, please fill out the form and return to the CUMC office.

Summer VBS Week 2018

In lieu of a summer Daycamp program, CUMC will be having a VBS week program. The program is themed “Shipwreck,” and will run for a week (Aug 6th – 10th). Along with VBS, lunch/snack, field trips, and group activities are provided for the cost of only $20!

To register for the program, please download and fill out the form below. Submit the completed form and the registration fee to the church office.

Registration Form: English  |  中文 (TBA)

CUMC English Retreat 2018

Join us for our English Congregation Church Retreat at Redwood Alliance from Friday, March 23rd – Sunday, March 25th. Please save the date! Our retreat speaker will be Tim Leung. You can turn in the form via email to chineseumc@sbcglobal.net or hand it into Joshua Wong or Gordon Lam.

CUMC English Church Retreat 2018 Form

Daycamp 2016 Leadership Application Form

For those who are interested in becoming Daycamp leaders (or know anyone who does), the application form has been released.

To apply to be a Daycamp leader, you will need to:

  1. Download the application form.
  2. Fill out the form in the editable PDF.
  3. Email the completed form to the Daycamp Director (Joshua): cumcdaycamp@cumcsf.org

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