Welcome to our Installation of Church Officers Service. Please pray for our Church Leaders and volunteers for their commitment and dedication to the Lord. May the Lord bless them with more strength and grace for the year to come.
Bishop Carcaño will be speaking to us about the vision for the new Bay District on January 12th, 2019 at New Vision UMC in Millbrae (450 Chadbourne Ave, Millbrae, CA 94030) from 9am-2 pm. It will be a day of exciting worship and strategic conversations. This event is for every pastor, lay leader, and others leaders to attend.
We’ll have our All-Church Luncheon on Sunday, Jan. 20th, shortly after the Chinese-Speaking Worship Service at around 12:45 pm. Please mark your calendar & plan to stay for the simple lunch prepared for all and enjoy the fellowship with your church family.
The San Francisco Chinese Christian Union (SFCCU) will host a fundraising banquet on Sunday, January 20, 2019 at Far East Café, 631 Grant St., in Chinatown. The dinner program will start at 5:30 pm. The purpose of the Fund Raising is to raise fund for the Cemetery Ministry which is about $5,000 each year. We are going to collect the Caring Fund from Jan to March for the CCU Cemetery Ministry. Please write check payable to ‘CUMC’ and write Dinner donation on the envelope.
The Chinese Christian Union San Francisco Board of Directors elected the Rev Tan Tieu of the Chinese Grace Church to be the 2019 President of the CCUSF in November 2018 Board meeting.
As a member of the Chinese Christian Union San Francisco, we are going to support their Cemetery Ministry by donating our Charity Fund from January to March. Please write check payable to our church ’CUMC’.
Flowers’ donation is a way of Thanksgiving to the Lord, or in memory of your loving family members. The Jan. – June, 2019 Flowers Fund Chart is posted in the hallway. Donations are welcome. Please put your flower offering into the pew envelopes with the specific dates.
Pastor Kan will attend the Conference Clergy Retreat at Modesto First UMC, Modesto, from 1/29-31.
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