Anyone wants to get baptized, confirmed or transferred your membership to CUMC on Christmas Sunday, 12/23, please contact Rev. Ernest Kan.
We will have the Joint Choir singing on Christmas Sunday. The Joint Choir will be conducted by Mrs. Celia Kan. Please join the rehearsal every Sunday, from 12:45—1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
Our 2017 Annual Church Conference will be held on December 1st (Saturday) at 12:30 a.m. at Temple United Methodist Church (1111 Junipero Serra Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94132 ). It will be presided by circuit pastor. Please reserve the date & plan on attending.
We are collecting donation to support the Camp Fire victims in the Northern California. Please use the “Love Envelope” for the donation purpose or the Tithing envelopes specifying for “Camp Fire”. Please write check payable to ‘CUMC’. Donation will then collected and send to the UMCOR to help the victims.
The Chinese congregation of the Temple United Methodist Church invites our Cantonese Opera Choir to perform in their outreaching event on Saturday, 12/15. The Rev. Ernest Kan is the speaker. Please pray for the evangelistic event.
The Chinese ministry committee is going to prepare the Christmas Eve Caroling at around 4:00 pm, simple dinner at around 6:30 pm and Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at around 8:00 pm. Please save the time and date.
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