We are collecting donation to support the hurricane victims. Please write down ‘Charity Fund—Hurricane Victims’ on the envelopes. Please write check payable to ‘CUMC’. Donation will then collected and send to the UMCOR to help the victims.
Nominating Committee will meet today at 1:00 PM in the 3/F. Members of the committee are Ms. Christie Ng, Mrs. Miranda Wong, Mrs. Donna Yee, Mrs. Gayle Kong, Miss Katrina Sun, Mrs. Holly Yee, Mrs. Dianne Wong, Mr. James Huang, Mrs. Josephine Wong and Rev. Ernest Kan (Chair).
The Methodist Fellowship will meet today in the Chapel from 2:00 to 3:30 pm. Members please come.
The Mission Committee will be meeting on 10/15 from 2:00—4:00 pm in the 4/F.
All committees are reminded to submit a 2018 budget request to the Finance Committee before 10/22 for approval before submit to the Church Council for approval.
The Finance Committee will meet on Sunday, 10/22, at 1:00 pm. in the chapel. Members are Mr. Eugene Wong, Mr. Edward Wong, Mr. Brendan Huang, Mr. Thomas Li, Mrs. Adrienne Lieu, Mr. Joe Yee, Mrs. Junie Collins, Mrs. Kathy Lau and Rev. Ernest Kan.
We are going to replace our old steel chairs and tables with much lighter ones. You are welcome to take them back home if you want to get some after register with the Board of Trustees members. After November, we will donate them to our sister United Methodist Church.
The Luncheon Fellowship will be on 10/22 after the 11:30 am Chinese-Speaking Worship Service. Please mark your calendar & plan to stay for the fellowship with your church family.
The Mission Committee invites you to support the ‘Operation Christmas Child’ to pack Christmas presents for the 3rd World children who needs your help. If you have shoeboxes with lids, please bring them to Eugene. Each box requires a $7 shipping charge. If you want to donate the gifts to fill the box or boxes, please give your generous donation to Eugene.
We will have the Joint Choir singing on the Joint Chinese Thanksgiving Sunday (11/19). The Joint Choir will be conducted by Mrs. Celia Kan. Every one is welcome. Please join us on every Sunday, starting from 10/8, from 12:30—1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
The Board of Directors of the Chinese Christian Union will meet at the Chinese Independent Baptist Church on 10/17 at 2:00 PM. Mrs. Betty Chia, Mr. Thomas Xiao and Rev. Ernest Kan are our delegates.
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