There will be a prayer meeting at the Chinese worship service every Sunday. If you would like to participate, please gather in the chancel area of the sanctuary. There are yellow prayer request cards at the back of the pew. Please write your prayer request and place it in the offering plate or give it to an usher for the Prayer Team and Pastor.
Only July 8th, from 5:30 – 9:00pm, we shall have a Grad Night in honor of Class of 2017. Come and celebrate our graduates this year as they move on to their next phase in life. Please let Joshua Wong know if you are coming by July 1st as we need a headcount for food and seating. Parents of graduates are cordially invited.
The Sunday School will have the Promotion Sunday on July 9 at 10:00am at Social Hall. Parents are invited to come and to support your children. We will have the Combined Chinese Sunday Service at 11:00am.
The English Missions Committee will meet today at 2:00pm in the 4th floor.
The Methodist Fellowship Group will meet today in the Chapel at 2:00pm. Members please come.
The Bishop together with her cabinet appointed Rev. Ernest Kan back to our church.
As a result of traffic rearrangement caused by the Pride Parade. Ms. Monica Le cannot come to the church to prepare our lunch. Therefore, the Luncheon Fellowship is going to be postponed later. Sorry for the inconvenience.
There is a hearing on the opening of medical marijuana outlet (MCD) at 2505 Noriega Street in San Francisco. We have members living in tis area who might be affected by this presence. The Chinese Christian Union has learnt about this issue and would encourage member churches to voice out our view on these. Please use the information inserted in this program to voice your concern.
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