There will be a prayer meeting at the Chinese worship service every Sunday. If you would like to participate, please gather in the chancel area of the sanctuary. There are yellow prayer request cards at the back of the pew. Please write your prayer request and place it in the offering plate or give it to an usher for the Prayer Team and Pastor.
Next Sunday is our Father’s Day Sunday Service. We are going to have a joint service for the Chinese groups, the 10:15am and 11:30am. The joint Chinese service will be at 11:00am.
Church Retreat Fundraising will service English Breakfast on June 18th, from 10:00am. Please reserve the date.
Summer Church Retreat will be held from August 6 to 9 at Redwood Christian Park. Miss Katrina Sun is the Chairperson of the Retreat. Please pray for the committee. The speaker for the Chinese group will be Rev. Homan Yeung and the speaker for the English group will be Pastor Tim Leung. Please pray.
The Luncheon Fellowship will be on 6/25 after the 11:30am Chinese-Speaking Worship Service. Please mark your calendar and plan to stay for the fellowship with your church family.
The Chinese Mission Committee is going to have an Evangelistic Meeting Meeting at Dr. Daniel Wu’s house on July 29 in the afternoon. Please save the date.
The Sunday School will have the Promotion Sunday on July 9 at 10:00am at Social Hall. Parents are invited to come and to support your children. We will have the Combined Chinese Sunday Service at 11:00am.
The 2017 Cal-Nev Annual Conference of the UMC will be held on Wednesday, June 21 to 24 at Hyatt Regncy at Burlingame. We have Mr. Brendan Huang, Mr. Ken Yee, and Rev. Ernest Kan as one of the delegates.
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