Anyone wants to get baptized, confirmed or transfer your membership to CUMC on Christmas Sunday, 12/25, please contact Rev. Ernest Kan.
Parents Fellowship will meet today, 12:30 pm in the Social Hall.
The Mission Committee invites you to support the ‘Operation Christmas Child’ to pack Christmas presents for the 3rd World children whoneeds your help. If you have shoeboxes with lids, please give them to Eugene. Each box requires a $7 shipping charge. If you want to donate the gifts to fill the box or boxes, please give your generous donation to Eugene.
We are going to wrap & pack the shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child on the 4th floor this Sunday at 1:30pm.
We will have the Joint Choir singing on Christmas Sunday. The Joint Choir will be conducted by Mr. Sidney Wong. Please join the rehearsal every Sunday, from 12:30—1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
The Administrative Board will meet today, 12:45 pm. in the chapel.
The Thanksgiving Luncheon will be held on November 20th after the Cantonese Worship Service in the Social Hall. Please sign up with Mrs. Monica Le or Mr. Thomas Xiao. Adult: $5.00, Children aged 6-12: $2.50 and Children under 6 are free.
Our 2016 Annual Church Conference will be held on December 4th (Sunday) at 2:00 p.m. in the Chapel. It will be presided by Rev. Sadie Stone, pastor of Bethany UMC. Please reserve the date & plan on attending
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