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Sermons 2021

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English Congregation

December 2021

“By My Spirit” ④ — The Eternal Kingdom
By Pastor Kan, 12/26/2021

Your Sins Are Forgiven



By Pastor Kan, 12/19/2021

“By My Spirit”① — Rebuild the Church

By Pastor Kan, 12/12/2021

“By My Spirit”② — Thy Will be Done
By Pastor Kan, 12/5/2021

November 2021

“By My Spirit” — ① Rebuild the Church
By Pastor Kan, 11/28/2021

By Celia Kan, 11/21/2021

“A Tale of Two Cities” ④  –For God So Love The World
By Pastor Kan, 11/14/2021

“A Tale of Two Cities” ③  — The Joy of the Lord is My Strength
By Pastor Kan, 11/7/2021

October 2021

“A Tale of Two Cities” ②  — You Are Covered
By Pastor Kan, 10/31/2021

“A Tale of Two Cities” ①  — The 70’s Years Promised
By Pastor Kan, 10/24/2021

Characters are made, not borne’ ⑤ Be on Your Guard
By Pastor Kan, 10/17/2021

‘Characters are made, not borne’④Man of Excellent Qualities
By Pastor Kan, 10/10/2021

‘Characters are made, not borne’ ③Test of Fire
By Pastor Kan, 10/3/2021

September 2021

‘Characters are made, not borne’ ② Conviction and Dedication
By Pastor Kan, 9/26/2021

‘Characters are made, not borne’① The Meaning of Life
By Pastor Kan, 9/19/2021

“The Prophet among the Wolves” ⑤ — The Judgment Day
By Pastor Kan, 9/12/2021

“The Prophet among the Wolves” ④ — A New Covenant
By Pastor Kan, 9/5/2021

August 2021

Meeting the G.O.A.T.
By Stanley Fong (Guest Speaker), 8/29/2021

The Prophet among the Wolves” ③ –I Have A Plan for You
By Pastor Kan, 8/22/2021

“The Prophet among the Wolves” ② — The Potter and the Clay
By Pastor Kan, 8/15/2021

Prophet among the Wolves 」① — Forsaking the Spring of Living Water
By Pastor Kan, 8/9/2021

1 Kings 19:1-18
By Rev. Pastor Daniel Lowe (Guest Speaker), 8/1/2021

July 2021

Shine Out of the Dark (Part 2)
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 7/25/2021

W.C.’s Special Delivery
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 7/18/2021

Finding Satisfaction (Part 2)
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 7/11/2021

Finding Satisfaction
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 7/4/2021

June 2021

I Am Pleasing to God
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 6/27/2021

How Fatherhood Changes My Perspective on God as My Heavenly Father
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 6/20/2021

How to Build a Friendship with God
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 6/13/2021

The Transforming Power of an Encounter with God
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 6/6/2021

May 2021

Finding Joy in Season of Suffering
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 5/30/2021

Finding Joy in Suffering (Part 4) – Aligning Your Agenda
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 5/23/2021

Finding Joy in Suffering (Part 3)
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 5/16/2021

From Motherly Love to Love One Another
By Pastor Kan, 5/9/2021

Finding Joy in the Midst of Suffering (Part 2) – Admit
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 5/2/2021

April 2021

“Mystery of Easter”④ — More than just Cheering
By Pastor Kan, 4/25/2021

「The Mystery of Easter」③ –I Wish to See Jesus
By Pastor Kan, 4/18/2021

「The Mystery of Easter」② –The Unreserved Love
By Pastor Kan, 4/11/2021

“The Mystery of Easter” ① — The Beginning of the Kingdom of God
By Pastor Kan, 4/4/2021

March 2021

Secrets of Joyful Living (Part 2)
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 3/28/2021

Secrets of Joyful Living (Part 1)
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 3/21/2021

Joy in the Midst of Suffering
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 3/14/2021

Dealing with Bitterness and Resentment (Part 2)
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 3/7/2021

February 2021

Dealing with Bitterness and Resentment (Part 1)
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 2/28/2021

Transformed by God – The Greatness of God
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 2/21/2021

An Interview with Pastor Tim Leung – Part 2
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 2/14/2021

An Interview with Pastor Tim Leung – Part 1
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 2/7/2021

January 2021

Jack Ma – True Security and the Bible
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 1/31/2021

Let’s Go For a Drive – What is the Driving Force of Your Life (Part 2)
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 1/24/2021

Let’s Go For a Drive – What is the Driving Force of Your Life
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 1/17/2021

Listening to God’s Plan for the New Year
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 1/10/2021

2 Keys to Unlock The New Life God Has For You
By Pastor Tim (Guest Speaker), 1/3/2021

Chinese Congregation

December 2021

李景文會吏, 12/26/2021

簡祺輝牧師, 12/19/2021


簡祺輝牧師, 12/12/2021

「不再一樣」 ② – 發揮能力
簡祺輝牧師 , 12/5/2021

November 2021

「不再一樣」  大有喜樂的人生–見證”
簡祺輝牧師, 11/28/2021

簡黃燕霞 , 11/21/2021

「感謝神」‚– 說不盡的恩賜
簡祺輝牧師, 11/14/2021

「感謝神」① – 耶和華以勒
簡祺輝牧師, 11/7/2021

October 2021

「靠我的靈成事」  ④ —  國度永恆
簡祺輝牧師, 10/31/2021

「靠我的靈成事」③ — 牧人之歌
簡祺輝牧師, 10/24/2021

「靠我的靈成事」② — 按主心意成就
簡祺輝牧師, 10/17/2021

「靠我的靈成事」① — 重建聖殿
簡祺輝牧師, 10/10/2021

「雙城記」 ④ — 神愛世人
簡祺輝牧師, 10/3/2021

September 2021

「雙城記」 ③ — 靠神得的喜樂
簡祺輝牧師, 9/26/2021

「雙城記」② — 神施恩的手
簡祺輝牧師, 9/19/2021

「雙城記」① — 滿了七十年
簡祺輝牧師, 9/12/2021

「群狼中的先知」⑤ — 賞罰分明的神
簡祺輝牧師, 9/5/2021

August 2021

“封城” 過後
By Junie Collins (Guest Speaker), 8/29/2021

群狼中的先知」④ — 另立新約 八月廿二日 聖靈降臨後第
簡祺輝牧師, 8/22/2021

「群狼中的先知」③ — 無花果的比喻
簡祺輝牧師, 8/15/2021

「群狼中的先知」② — 窰匠手中的陶器
簡祺輝牧師, 8/8/2021

「群狼中的先知」① — 離棄活水的泉源
簡祺輝牧師, 8/1/2021

July 2021

「君權神授」④ — 人飢餓非因無餅
簡祺輝牧師, 7/25/2021

「君權神授」③ — 當尋求耶和華
簡祺輝牧師, 7/18/2021

「君權神授」② — 這是耶和華說的
簡祺輝牧師, 7/11/2021

「君權神授」① — 三番四次的犯罪
簡祺輝牧師, 7/4/2021

June 2021

「在天上的父」④ — 有憐憫,有恩典
簡祺輝牧師, 6/27/2021

「在天上的父」③ — 天父必保守
簡祺輝牧師, 6/20/2021

「在天上的父」② — 生命的力量
簡祺輝牧師, 6/13/2021

「在天上的父」① — 誰是我的弟兄
簡祺輝牧師, 6/6/2021

May 2021

三一真神與我 — 使命人生
簡祺輝牧師, 5/30/2021

「生命的傳承」④ — 保惠師與我
簡祺輝牧師, 5/23/2021

「生命的傳承」③ — 合一與我何干
簡祺輝牧師, 5/16/2021

「生命的傳承」② — 從母愛到彼此相愛
簡祺輝牧師, 5/9/2021

「生命的傳承」① — 愛的根源
簡祺輝牧師, 5/2/2021

April 2021

「神就是愛」④ — 神就是愛
簡祺輝牧師, 4/25/2021

「神就是愛」③ — 神的兒女和魔鬼的兒女
簡祺輝牧師, 4/18/2021

「神就是愛」② — 罪得赦免的人生
簡祺輝牧師, 4/11/2021

「神就是愛」① — 由主復活開始
簡祺輝牧師, 4/4/2021

March 2021

「復活的奧秘」④ — 喝彩
簡祺輝牧師, 3/28/2021

「復活的奧秘」③ — 得與失
簡祺輝牧師, 3/21/2021

「復活的奧秘」② –愛是不保留
簡祺輝牧師, 3/14/2021

「復活的奧秘」① –有誰共鳴
簡祺輝牧師, 3/7/2021

February 2021

「求主開我心眼」④ — 最愛是誰
簡祺輝牧師, 2/28/2021

「求主開我心眼」③ — 一點燭光
簡祺輝牧師, 2/21/2021

「求主開我心眼」② — 驟雨中的陽光
簡祺輝牧師, 2/14/2021

「求主開我心眼」① –魅力是沒法擋
簡祺輝牧師, 2/7/2021

January 2021

「加強信心」④ –身份的確認
簡祺輝牧師, 1/31/2021

「加強信心」④ –身份的確認
簡祺輝牧師, 1/24/2021

「加強信心」③ –能力何處尋
簡祺輝牧師, 1/17/2021

「加強信心」② –確據何處尋
簡祺輝牧師, 1/10/2021

「信心剛強」① –美好的未來
簡祺輝牧師, 1/3/2021





















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