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Chinese United Methodist Church San Francisco

Home / Announcements / Weekly Announcements: January 19th, 2020

Weekly Announcements: January 19th, 2020

  • All Church Luncheon on today, 1/19, shortly after the Chinese-Speaking Worship Service at around 12:45 pm.
  • The January to March Charity Fund collection will go to support the Cemetery Ministry running by Chinese Christian Union of San Francisco.
  • The Jan. – June, 2020 Flowers Fund Chart is posted in the hallway. Donations are welcome. Please put your flower offering into the pew envelopes with the specific dates.
  • 2020 Chinese New Year will be on Saturday, 1/25. The Chinese congregation will host the Chinese New Year Festival community outreach on Saturday, 2/8 from 2:00—4:00 pm. The English congregation is welcome to host jointly with the Chinese congregation so that we could promote our ministries in Chinatown more efficiently and effectively. Please pray for the outreaching project.

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