The June Luncheon Fellowship is canceled because this month is a busy month and festivals are happening. The Luncheon Fellowship will be resumed in July.
Our church will have the one-week Vacation Bible School from August 6 to August 10, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The fee is $20.00 for each student. Volunteers are welcome to make a donation, preparing lunch or snack, to support the VBS. Our VBS coordinator is Mr. Dexter Wong. Please pray for the brothers and sister who are going to take care of the outreach.
The Sunday School will have the Class Promotion Sunday Service on July 8th at 10:00 am at Social Hall. Please come and support our children. We will have the Combined Chinese Sunday Service at 11:00 am.
On Saturday, 7/14, from 5:30 – 9:00 pm, we shall have a “Grad Night” in honor of Class 2018 Graduates. Come and celebrate our graduates this year as they move on to their next phase in life.
The Chinese ministry will host an evangelistic meeting is going to have an Evangelistic Meeting at Dr. Daniel Wu’s house on July 14 in the afternoon. Simple dinner and car-pool will be provided. Please sign up with Mrs. Jennifer Lai or Mrs. Josephine Wong.
The 2017 Cal-Nev Annual Conference of the UMC will be held from Wednesday, June 21 to 24 at Hyatt Regency at Burlingame. We have Mr. Brendan Huang, Mr. Ken Yee, and Rev Ernest Kan as one of the delegates.
Please be advised that the Gum Moon is having a Chinese Opera on July 15th and need rehearsal space for 7/5 (Thursday), July 9th ( Monday ), 7/ 10 (Tuesday), and 7/12 (Thursday). There will be no music involved in the rehearsal. The time is about 10 am to 3 pm.
The San Francisco Gay Pride Parade will be on Sunday, 6/24, from 10:30 am. Please be prepared to pay attention to the traffic situation on that day.
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