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Home / Announcements / Weekly Announcements: December 11th, 2016

Weekly Announcements: December 11th, 2016

  • Mission Committee is sponsoring a CUMC Family Dinner on Saturday,12/17, to acknowledge this year’s outreach ministries. Not only is the church family, but we will invite those who participated in those events too.
  • Anyone wants to get baptized, confirmed or transfer your member-ship to CUMC on Christmas Sunday, 12/25, please contact Rev. Ernest Kan.
  • We will have the Joint Choir singing on Christmas Sunday. The Joint Choir will be conducted by Mr. Sidney Wong. Please join the rehearsal every Sunday, from 12:30—1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
  • Our 2016 Annual Church Conference will be held today at 2:00 p.m. in the Chapel. It will be presided by Rev. Sadie Stone, pastor of Bethany UMC. Please reserve the date & plan on attending.
  • Mrs. Lily Long was admitted to ICU in the CUSF Hospital for stroke treatment. Her right side has no feeling. Please support her and her family with your prayer.
  • Flowers’ donation is a way of Thanksgiving to the Lord, or in memory of your loving family members. The Jan. – June, 2017 Flowers Fund Chart is posted in the hallway. Donations are welcome. Each entry for the flowers’ donation is preferably $10.00. You can put your offering into the pew envelopes with the specific dates or present it to Mr.and Mrs. Shek Yin Chiang for help.

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